Book a treatment with Dr Luke McPherson

Dr Luke McPherson

Dr Luke McPherson – TCM


Luke McPherson (TCM) Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

Luke has been practising acupuncture at West Street Wellbeing since it opened in 2010. He is extremely experienced with both academic and clinical work and has been a teacher of Chinese Herbal Medicine at one of Sydney’s leading Universities.

Luke is West Street Wellbeing’s resident expert in all things muscular-skeletal, which includes all joint problems (shoulders/knees/hips/ankles/wrists/fingers), tendon and ligament problems, acute and chronic pain, muscular spasm and tightness, spinal problems of the neck and lower back including disc movement and degeneration and arthritis.

Luke is adept at making thorough assessments of the problem and formulating a clear treatment plan to help you understand the processes involved in making a complete recovery or at least slowing any further degeneration as much as possible. He is also experienced in developing treatment plans for neuromuscular pain and pain associated with disease such as side effects from cancer and cancer treatment, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Luke’s most recent passion is facial rejuvenation acupuncture. While only fairly new on the scene in a Western sense, In ancient times, using acupuncture was the way women in elite Chinese households would stay youthful and glowing. After studying the facial rejuvenation methods, Luke & his wife agreed to use her as a test case and they were both amazed and impressed with the results! In an era so heavily burdened with chemicals in our beauty products (among everything else), he saw a way forward for those wanting to look as good as they can, with a clear complexion, minimal fine lines and wrinkles and a lovely natural glowing vitality, all without chemicals, surgery or injectables. This passion has led to the newest arm of our acupuncture treatment at West Street Wellbeing – facial rejuvenation acupuncture.

With a passion for helping people, Luke is dedicated to clinical practice and the advancement of skills for life. Coupled with a hunger for learning and knowledge, his patients will always receive cutting-edge treatment to ensure their health will receive the best care.

Sessions with Luke can be booked online now.